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  • 3 years ago
00:00the world's effort to reduce emissions to take advantage of this as a political card to put pressure on Europe in the supply of gas
00:09do you agree with this proposal or that
00:11Could there be another point of view to look at things?
00:15Most probably, Russia is manipulating the markets because the shortage of gas supplies in the market contributes to raising prices. It's clear that the Nord line to Stream 2 still needs
00:30the governing bodies in Germany agreed, and this is a big problem on the Russian agenda. But let me remind your viewers
00:39that President Putin promised to fill the gas tanks in Europe
00:45specifically Western companies
00:50That has contracts with the brom gas, and this thing didn't happen. This leads us to the question of why Russia did not keep its promises.
00:58Let's ask
00:59I mean, the current situation with regards to Nordholstrim Tu and the operation of this line despite what can happen from the East in the relations
01:09between Europe and the United States of America and others. Do
01:13the current situation and the existing energy crisis? Has it become a great pressure to speed up this project and start operating
01:21Without considering any other considerations?
01:24This issue was a pending issue in the era of President Trump, but one of the points of difference between Biden and Trump in the relationship with Europe is that Biden supported the German point of view that Nordholström Tois is important
01:44diversification of trade routes, and thus made a concession to Berlin in this case
01:53Perhaps he is waiting for a German-European concession in other cases. But still
02:00Western leniency with Russia, however, Russia is working to benefit from this issue as much as possible
02:08to achieve commercial gains and geopolitical gains. America is not part of the story because it focuses on other things, but in your opinion, the German government is a difficult position because Russia does not meet the commitments it promised.
02:25Well, does Europe have other options other than the heavy reliance on Russian gas
02:33She's got some tools and some carrots to wave? Let me remind our viewers that between 2012 and 2000
02:45There was an investigation on the level of the European Commission regarding the competition
02:52Gazprom was targeted, which prompted it to change its trade practices in its long-term contracts.