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  • 3 years ago
00:00It confirmed that the satellites took pictures of unprecedented Russian military build-up. There's a crowd of armored vehicles
00:09And wild powers.
00:11The following day, the Kremlin's response came, which said that the movements of the army and military equipment on Russian territory is an internal affair that belongs to Moscow
00:20Washington has nothing to do with it.
00:23The days passed and the ninth day of the same month. The Pentagon called Russia
00:28to clarify its intentions of this move, stressing that it continues to monitor the mobilization of Russian forces on the border
00:35With Ukraine. The American Secretary of State entered on the line of statements, but it is possible after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart on the 10th of November
00:44Moscow warned of repeating the mistakes of 2014
00:48I intend to annex Crimea. This was the response of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which confirmed that no mistakes were made there.
00:57but the pace of u . s . warnings has risen even more .
01:00On the 13th of the same month, American officials warned their European counterparts
01:07that the Kremlin may be about to launch another invasion of Ukraine
01:12due to the escalation of the mobilization of Russian forces since months on the border there
01:18Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:23Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:27The Taliban said some of the victims were killed in an explosion that rocked a district of the Afghan capital Kabul.
01:33Local world reports said that the explosion took place in the 13th security department west of the capital
01:39A bomb planted in a car exploded. The capital has been under a series of attacks since the Taliban took control of it
01:47ISIS organization announces the responsibility of its implementation.
01:52Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi has said that Afghanistan no longer needs a large army. He added that the movement
02:00All persons who served in the Defence and National Security Forces were retained under the previous administration. These statements came in response to a question about the strategy of the Taliban
02:09to integrate the fighters of the movement and the members of the Afghan armed forces
02:14In one army.
02:17Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:21Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:25The countries participating in the United Nations Climate Summit in Glasgow have reached an agreement calling for accelerating efforts in the fight against global warming.
02:33The agreement focused on practical efforts to phase out coal as it is the fuel that contributes most to the carbon emissions,
02:40However, the agreement did not guarantee new commitments to keep global warming under a ceiling of 1.5 degrees Celsius.
02:48The Agreement also stressed the need to assist poor and developing countries affected by the effects of climate change.
02:57the main achievements of the Glas' Charter