...استفادة منه ، في وقت تمر سلاسل التوريد و...

  • 3 years ago
00:00and benefit from it, at a time when supply and supply chains are going through many obstacles, especially shipping.
00:10Of course, air freight is currently for a very good market.
00:15Arab Airlines as an economic carrier
00:21The primary focus is on the passengers, not on the truck. I've got a part
00:26About Ashraf, there is no work for us, it will be about ninety. in a hundred , the contributor the travelers will be able to look forward .
00:35air freight ratio
00:39He's currently in no change of policy. Of course, air freight, the existing statements today
00:46to control the air cargo due to
00:51The shortage is the scarcity of shipping. Today, any decision, anyone takes it
00:59increase the number of aircraft fleet for cargo .
01:02It takes three or four years. Is the shipping going back, or after the delegation, and this is of course open for discussion.
01:12I mean, do you see that
01:14Or do you expect things to improve with regard to shipping, and therefore there will be no
01:20the need to increase the fleets related to air freight in the form of
01:28In the same one, in the two halves of the air freight, there's so much now
01:35due to the existing and logistical problems in shipping
01:39but when he goes in the future and Jordan still takes it. And God, my son, Lever isn't much first.
01:47that is, of course, in what is a recovery in the market. Will it be as much as the pressure that exists today first
01:54I think it's a chance for smaller planes to be used for shipping, not airplanes. coins
02:00Okay, so you guys have a fleet? How many small planes? Is it possible to adopt
02:07Strategy for the transfer of these aircraft
02:10Passenger planes to planes are used temporarily for air freight, as many airlines around the world have done?
02:21Of course, all companies in Kuwait won. There was an urgent need for shipping
02:27in particular the issue of the transfer of medicines and medical equipment,
02:32we are all around us but it was light because
02:36for chechnya the plane turns into a cargo plane . There must be a radical change that works and takes the chairs and restructuring the weight. Every emergency
02:46It's only temporary. We all helped with the issue over time. There are many studies, and Al-Arabiya is studying the same issue. I'm sorry
02:55is there an economic feasibility to turn some planes into cargo?