...جنوبى ليبيا حذر سيف الاسلام القذافي الى ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In southern Libya, Seif Al-Islam Al-Gaddafi warned to the Electoral Commission that he signed papers to run in the presidential race next December.
00:09But this nomination raises controversy over the legality of his candidacy due to criminal cases
00:14The one who's after him or the one who served her time. Seif Al-Gaddafi has been wanted by the International Criminal Court since 2011
00:22accusing him of committing war crimes because of the suppression of opponents
00:25To rule his father by all means. Despite the fact that the defense of Seif Al-Gaddafi filed an appeal against the rejection of the case on the grounds of the primacy of his trial on the same charges before the Libyan judiciary,
00:35But the court rejected the appeal and accepted the case and demanded his extradition.
00:40Seif Al-Islam also issued a death sentence, which was issued by the Tripoli Criminal Court in 2015 on charges of killing protesters.
00:48But the Libyan Supreme Court cancelled this death sentence in May 2021
00:53and ordered to retry him and suppress Saif Al-Qaddafi in the prison of the city of Zintan from 2011 until 2017
01:02Before he was released under a general amnesty law.
01:05And his defense team is working on dropping all charges that are pursuing him internally and externally
01:11which were summarized in stirring up civil war, abuse of power, and issuing orders to kill demonstrators
01:17and the damage to public funds
01:30I promise
01:36led to the liberation of a city.
01:45I mean
01:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:47Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:49Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:52Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:56I am
01:57in the same
01:58one of the libyans to accept the nomination for the presidency of the country
02:03it required the availability of fourteen conditions set by the elections commission in the following we present the most prominent of them
02:12Fourteen conditions set by the law must be available in the candidate for the presidency of Libya. The candidate must prove that he does not have the nationality of another country.
02:22As for his parents and his wife,
02:25in addition to being a Muslim and two Muslim parents, and not to have a final verdict against him
02:32in a felony or a crime against honor or honesty
02:36or a decision of disciplinary isolation. If the candidate is in a public leadership position, he or she should stop officially
02:45three months before the scheduled elections
02:48on December 24, and the candidate should not be less than thirty five years old at the time of his candidacy.
02:56and to have a university degree on the ground.