...مثل الصين والولايات المتحدة أن تلعب دورا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00such as China and the United States to play a key role in the region and coordinate their efforts
00:06combined to fight terrorism jointly and to make sure
00:11to stabilize these countries and make sure
00:15the start of economic development because the issue is also related to. the rational quantity necessary for a country that the development of these countries
00:25As I mentioned, so far, there were no radical or sustainable solutions to this crisis experienced by the countries of the Sahel region. OK, Dr. Rashid,
00:34Can we also say that part of the problem is that there is no discrimination
00:38between the state of popular dissatisfaction in general in some countries of the Sahel region on the political regimes and the rebellion against these regimes
00:47and terrorist movements or terrorist practices?
00:50Is there a real, conscious and responsible distinction for all these
00:57movements or movements that oppose the leaders with all the political regimes they represent
01:03between the extremist and terrorist movements?
01:08Of course, there are commitments that are rooted in
01:12Ethnic contradictions for groups that govern Mali, Niger or even Burkina Faso.
01:19and in parallel with that, we often did not see that the elites controlling the political systems in those countries
01:26her background is from threatened ethnicities . Those ethnicities
01:30benefit from the arrival of those elites to power. Therefore, they
01:34one of the reasons for deepening the ethnic conflict which is already widespread and already present in the region of Sayed Africa.
01:40Therefore, the associations exist and these groups or ethnic groups pay
01:46that do not benefit from the authoritarian hypocrisy or from the economic advantages
01:52due to a difference in two from the ethnicity that governs, and therefore it will automatically rise to join the groups
02:00Armed terrorist. On the one hand, and on the other hand, if we look at the needs of these people in the African Sahel region, and also look at
02:08the agenda of each country involved in the African coast region.
02:12The needs of the peoples of the African Sahel region and the African countries in an environment for the regimes, looking for the political government, looking for democratic reform, and the delivery of
02:22Maybe some kind of democratic transition is undermining
02:25the periodic coup operations, which have increased their momentum since 2010. The people are looking for the arena, looking for education
02:32Looking for agriculture. She's also looking for the resources to make a living.
02:36the countries involved in it on the ground, and on top of them France, are looking for the continuation of its control over the African coast region as it is a region of influence
02:46for France,
02:48We do not return to the tension that has taken place at the level of the Security Council today. As for last Thursday, there was a meeting in the Security Council to discuss the financing of a group force
02:58Easy body that's been made