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  • 3 years ago
00:00OK, Doctor, what is the meaning after a minute? Do you think that the United States of America can stop China? And how in a minute
00:09One-minute thesis
00:10I think stopping it will succeed in stopping it at least for the next ten years, but after that, I think it will be
00:20On it
00:21there are many developments, and I agree with Mr. Nimah in what they said. There was a repression by some American companies that turned a blind eye
00:30About them being technologies, moving and stealing and everything
00:34China, but thank you, thank you, Dr. Nayef Al-Shafei from the UAE, and a lecturer at the Institute of Technology, if Massachusetts
00:43Talk to us from Boston? All thanks to you
00:45Thank you from Paris, Mr. Majed Nima, researcher in political economy and editor-in-chief of Asia Africa magazine. Thank you
00:58it was a distinguished and enthusiastic dialogue. Before I conclude, I would like to remind you of the question: What is expected from the summit of the US and Chinese President? So
01:09Let's see how your expectations came up. Sixty-four percent don't expect anything.
01:14There is nothing new in the relationship, and 27% say that they expect an agreement to reduce the escalation,
01:22In fact, this meant some expectations placed on the table in front of this
01:28the virtual summit that will take place in an hour. We will continue
01:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:51Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:06A decade of preaching and preaching groups for Arab capitals
02:11The result was a relapse of the situation and conditions. Collapse of economies
02:17In Morocco, the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood failed.
02:20Will the new Moroccan government succeed in renaissance and development and pump blood to the conditions of the economy, which was disrupted by political Islam
02:29For a decade in the range? We know the details of His Excellency the Moroccan Minister of Justice and Secretary-General of the Asala and Al-Mu'asarah Party Abdel-IntIFADa. Welcome
02:39There is a storm that swept the Justice and Development Party, why did the people lose their confidence in these Islamic parties? In Morocco, he always demands. Well done
02:49that justice and development were not able to promote intellectually and renew Beria in the extent that came with these demands,
02:57There are many challenges. Algerian-Moroccan dispute.