...الحدودية بين بولندا وبيلاروس . فهناك درج...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Border between Poland and Belarus. Today, the temperature is three degrees below zero in Belarus. This means that without the help of the Russian volunteers or the municipal authorities in this region, where there are more than two thousand refugees, this area may become a large cemetery without humanitarian aid there
00:22at least five hundred children, including a response to those who do not survive in such a degree of heat. In the process
00:29The telephone conversation between Merkel and Lukashenko was also referred to the readiness and readiness to take more measures and efforts except harsh
00:39in order to reach a solution and settle these differences.
00:43This was the initial position of the Republic of Belarus. We are open to this discussion of Adem
00:50to harm the interests of these refugees in accordance with the United Nations University treaty, human rights and international humanitarian equipment
00:58Currently approved. Yes
01:00Thank you, Mr. Karim. I would like to remind you our viewers and our honorable guests of this breaking news.
01:08Quoting Iraqi Airways, it says that it is working on sending its planes
01:14Iraqi Airways on Thursday to help and evacuate the immigrants.
01:19Of course, many of these immigrants are of Iraqi nationality, in addition to Syria and other nationalities
01:27Not exactly clear. will only the iraqis be evacuated ? Are all of them
01:31How will he even deal? the refugees who fled from Iraq with the aim of the European dream,
01:37How will they handle going back there? But of course
01:41Maybe this is one of the solutions. We do not know if there are solutions for other humanitarian corridors. Go to Dr. Fadi Shahin. Dr. Fadi
01:50There is no doubt that what is happening today is a humanitarian crisis, and we are always sorry to talk
01:56I mean about a political bazaar
02:00opens with every humanitarian crisis. We saw this between Turkey and the European Union, and today we see this between
02:07between Russia, Poland and the European Union in a more distant way.
02:13What can Belarus do if all those people chose it to be there and didn't want to stay there and find a way to go to another country?
02:22What's their fault?
02:23And what have you done to Moscow to bear the sanctions of the European Union from this crisis?
02:32Yes, thank you for this invitation and greetings to your honorable guest. In fact, I think that the guest is a little bit precious in the role of the Russian mainland
02:42With regard to humanitarian aid, with regard to the role of Latif Li Belarus in this story,
02:48We all know that there was a lure for those
02:53refugees by the Russian authorities. There are facilities, there are travel offices that contributed
02:58There you mean.