...جيش أقوى بالنسبة لحركة الاستهلاك والتضخم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00A stronger army for the movement of consumption and inflation in the United States of America. We think that we are still facing
00:09A little more.
00:11enable the clarity of the picture towards
00:14the next steps that may be taken by the central banks on top of which the Federal Bank. If there is going to be a renewal of monetary policies at a time
00:23As soon as the announcement was made, this is the most important factor that will move the markets in the coming stage, but it won
00:30Mohammed Berriri, director of the Arab region in Europe. Thank you very much for being with us and for the analysis you've given us
00:38As we mentioned a little while ago, the prices of gas are recording new high levels that add twelve percent during the trading day after the news
00:48from Germany's orientation to
00:49the suspension of work in the light of the S2 and therefore, or the suspension of the approval on the work in the light of The T2 and therefore what this might mean in terms of the coming gas prices
00:58To Europe. on all these files and others
01:02We will follow up in detail in the east-west shortly after an hour from now with me Nour Amasha. Thank you for watching. Goodbye
01:41Good day, a new day of work. We will start with you as we
02:02the issue and this axis in particular, the differences are still. Will there be controls? Will the change be as the growth of Chinese exports last October exceeded analysts' expectations
02:23The beginning is from the Sudanese issue
02:26which the military leaders have to offer the United States
02:54A global flood of warnings