...في واشنطن في تايوان قالت ايضا انها لن تت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00in Washington in Taiwan also said that it will not negotiate on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country
00:05in the issues related to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China has no room for compromise
00:13President Biden stressed at the meeting that the United States adheres to the one-China policy and does not support Taiwan independence.
00:22After the American accusations, Russia announced that it had tested a missile that targeted one of its oldest satellites in earth's orbit.
00:29Therefore, Moscow confirms the accusations leveled against it by Washington, but
00:34Stressed at the same time that it does not offer
00:38the international space station for any danger is what NASA said was an accident or a result of the debris. The Russian army also said in a statement that the Russian Defense Ministry
00:48successfully rented
00:51Benti destroyed the space object in orbit since 1982, which is considered to be inactive. From his side
01:00Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that there is no truth
01:03for what he described as the American allegations on Russia's creation of risks in the field of the peaceful use of space.
01:11The Defense Ministry of Belarus said that Poland deployed about twenty three thousand soldiers in the border region. The Belarussian Defense Ministry also said that it has strengthened its intelligence forces
01:22the protection methods on the border between Belarus and Poland,
01:25according to what was reported by the Russian Ria Novosti agency.
01:31The commander of the Libyan National Army, Field Marshal Khalifah Haftar Al-Manah, announced his candidacy for the presidential elections in Libya
01:37Next month. Haftar said that we should nominate him to lead the people in a crucial stage
01:42It's not a request for power. He also added that it was not appropriate for Libya's elections to be an occasion for empty promises, as he described them.
01:52Haftar also pledged to defend the national constants, on top of which is Libya's unity
01:57and its sovereignty and independence.
02:01At a time when the Sudanese capital Khartoum is still witnessing mass demonstrations, the American Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs met
02:09Abdullah Hamdoun K, Waad, and a number of political forces.
02:16The Central Council for Freedom and Change said in a statement that the meeting dealt with the current situation in the country and the effects of what it described as a coup.
02:24He reiterated the rejection of the current measures, their condemnation and the subsequent measures.
02:31The United States once again urged its nationals to leave Ethiopia immediately, warning that there would be no evacuation similar to that carried out in Afghanistan.
02:41The spokesman for the US State Department, Rice, also expressed his fear that there will be a wrong belief in the ranks of the public
02:48that what happened in Afghanistan is something that the US government can do anywhere and everywhere in the world
02:58This is where we got to