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  • 3 years ago
00:00on the part of Washington in Taiwan. She said she would not negotiate the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity
00:07in the issues related to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China has no room for compromise
00:14President Biden stressed at the meeting that the United States adheres to the one-China policy and does not support Taiwan independence.
00:23The White House announced that US President Joe Biden said that his country is still committed to the one-China policy.
00:33But on the other hand, she strongly objects
00:35Unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability in Taiwan.
00:42Biden stressed, according to the White House statement, that Washington
00:45It will stand with its allies in the cause of common values and interests. The statement also confirmed that Biden discussed the need to protect workers
00:55and American industries of commercial practices
00:58the unfairness and measures to address the shortage in the world energy supply.
01:07After the American accusations, Russia announced that it had tested a missile that targeted one of its oldest satellites in earth's orbit.
01:15Thus, Moscow confirms the accusations
01:18towards it by Washington, but it stressed at the same time that it did not
01:24The International Space Station (ISS) was not in any danger, which NASA said happened as a result of the speech.
01:33The Russian army said in a statement
01:36that the Russian Defense Ministry successfully conducted an experiment that destroyed the space object to us
01:44The subject has been in orbit since 1982
01:48Which is considered inactive. For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that there is no truth to what he described as the American allegations
01:58on Russia's creation of risks
02:00in the field of the peaceful use of space.
02:05Well-informed sources told Bloomberg Agency that the United States and its European allies are studying what they described as retaliatory responses
02:15in case Russia takes military action against Ukraine. Bloomberg said that these responses include the imposition of new sanctions on Moscow
02:25in addition to providing more security assistance to Kiev.
02:29The White House is working on a list of options in this regard, the agency quoted the sources as saying. She pointed out that this plan
02:39It's still at an early stage,
02:41According to her.
02:45The Russian Defense Ministry said that Poland deployed about twenty three thousand soldiers in the border region.
02:53The Belarusian Ministry of Defense said
02:56that it has strengthened its intelligence forces and methods