star wars episde 10 Shadows of the empire

  • 3 years ago
Star Wars Episode 10: Shadows of the Empire !
Supreme Ruler Riddick has the entire universe under his clutches.
Greed, corruption, and the hunger for more power are the root of it all.
Rebel forces build hidden bases on diverse worlds to avoid being found.
Luke Skywalker has taught Rey all he knows.
Now she must board the Millennium Falcon with Chewie at her side and set course for planet Kern.
There they are greeted by Obi-Wan-Kenobi, R2D2, C3po, and Darren the Idealist Leader.
Together they enter heavily guarded places and download plans into R2D'S mainframe to make it much easier to take it to the Rebel base on the Meliriam System.
Their Master Yoda informs them that Luke Skywalker is in his final hours , after his death he instantly transforms into the force.
Rey knows what she has to do fight Kylo Ren and kill him, to restore order and save his darken soul
from being extinguished. Meanwhile battles on land, and in space continue without end.
Boba Fett is willing to work for the first Order in an exchange for a wealthy income.
The first Order is building a new ultimate weapon the Pulsar Star.
This can destroy worlds much faster , its main use is to convert planets to stars that can be used as energy sources latter on!
That's why its so important to find where they are keeping this weapon before the Frist Order can use it! So the Rebel's can destroy it so that peace can last much longer in the Galaxy!
