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  • 3 years ago
00:00between the United States and China, where power is breathing on influence beyond their borders and on technology.
00:06Rann turns to get military advantages on Earth and in outer space as an electronic,
00:11But according to the New York Times, they are major trading partners, which makes competition more complicated. The possible main point of ignition is Taiwan
00:19which Beijing considers as Chinese territory, to the extent that Washington has always been a regime about the strength of the United States
00:26In defense of this island. According to the American newspaper, this strategic ambiguity aims at avoiding provoking Beijing and giving the signal of the leaders of the island
00:36that they should not declare independence on the basis of the idea that this will support them. As for the file of trade in its war, which was started by the administration of Trump, it is technically suspended
00:46that Biden's team has reached its protest against China's economic policies, as Washington points out that China's growth and prosperity
00:54come at the expense of workers and economic opportunities in the United States, according to the Beijing official
00:59This does not mean that China closes the door to foreign investment and foreign goods.
01:04The New York Times also talked about the technological superiority and said that many American technology companies are still practicing large works in China,
01:13And that's what fuels all sorts of fears in Washington that Chinese customers are stealing corporate technology and secrets, and that the products they're making in China
01:22It's an online manipulation gallery.
01:26We will resume the discussion with you Mr. Yasser in Florida. I would like to ask about the major outstanding issues between the two sides: Taiwan, trade,
01:36Technology and human rights are almost universal. This one's bigger
01:40the paths of disagreement between the two countries. Any file closer to settling in the coming days, months, and years. Maybe
01:49Looking at this peak
01:55In these matters, they were a source of tension
02:00even since previous administrations, and considering
02:06former Chinese presidents, if I don't see any sign now at this summit, this dynamic may change
02:13that President Biden and his public statements regarding the policy towards Taiwan and the direction of China, if all these permits were traditional
02:22And that's what we've been waiting for, and that's what we've heard from the president from the letters
02:26former Americans about the relationship between the two parties. And that's even what Mr. Kissinger said
02:32So, with regard to the political amendment in the United States of America, I have not heard about this
02:38the signs, and we did not even hear from the Chinese side any public statements because what we are hearing
02:45Yes, we hear talk about Taiwan, and that the President was warning the United States of America in a way
02:53it is perhaps more clear in comparison with the american response in regard to taiwan .