...بسبب طبعا محاولة يعني عدم الاحتكار وما إ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00due, of course, to the attempt of non-monopoly and so on. Right now
00:08I also mentioned that this would be division on the basis of companies and not countries. But also on the basis of quality
00:15Chips. I mean, there was also talk that the chips that, I mean, the LCD that is being
00:23produced in Europe now in
00:26in an ambition, if you want from France to go to produce those chips, which are in Cape, I mean, or
00:36her level
00:37Very sophisticated
00:41for the young people who are higher than twenty eight thousand meters
00:49which is currently used in
00:52In the cars, in the Mike Rose Cafe, and in the refrigerators and washing machines. And these things
01:00this is old technology and it might be
01:03If a European country follows the pace of building a factory, it will take at least two years to establish it
01:11After that, they may enter into this field.
01:14But the higher ground is good.
01:18ten nanometers
01:20I think there's going to be a big problem. I don't think so. I do not see a factory of ten nanometers operating in Europe in
01:30The next five years
01:32the issue of self-sufficiency in Europe, which is talking about the European Union. Ursula von der Lein's promise was made.
01:42You see this as an unattainable dream
01:46The first two words were self-sufficient. You have the one forbidden word in the Fritt Rhett
01:57allowed on
02:00It's not allowed at all. That is why anyone speaks of self-sufficiency in an open global economy that is not allowed.
02:10If the world economy is truly open
02:16The current global economy, we call it open, which his father witnessed, finds a window, but in fact
02:26Actually building factories will require more than the fact that there is a crisis. How can the world get past this
02:34Crisis? that we are living or you may not have seen that he is in a crisis
02:39Not in a crisis. Of course, there is no doubt that there is a crisis, but the crisis is not possible. There are some factories that are already in the United States and in
02:48And in Mexico
02:50it can serve in chips, the oldest in technology is higher than twenty eight.