...بشكل كبير . العامل الثاني هو قد نجد بعض ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Pretty much. The second factor is that we may find some institutions, I mean, the Central Bank before
00:07He also announced buying it and allocating a large amount
00:11investment in the stock exchange in the past crises. Therefore, he did not pump these funds. Most of this money has not been pumped, and therefore
00:19I mean, the picture that is from the investors is the completion of buying in the market in the period
00:25We have been talking for almost four years about the proposals of the government. We are talking now about this wave, and we have started to see it clearly in the region
00:33the Arab Gulf and the government, but in Egypt, we are waiting for this
00:39Since a while, we have not seen any of these huge proposals, but we always hear about the announcements about them in
00:48As far as you know, Mohammed. Where are the government proposals? according to of course
00:52Your contact with the sec
00:55I mean, what makes me say is that we really waited a lot for these proposals, the program of proposals was announced, a strong program, the banks and companies that were announced here
01:04One of the largest companies operating in Egypt was in the Middle East, whether insurance companies, banks or others.
01:10However, the state of delay in the procedures and procedures of the proposal has had a big negative impact
01:17on the march or behavior of dealing in the market until
01:21after putting forward the same proposal, which witnessed a great turnout and a historic turnout.
01:26I mean, the market was children in a day because of the measures taken by some organizational bodies,
01:32dropped violently during the session, even on the same day, the start of the circulation
01:39the markets, even if most of the shares were in a state of decline in a very big way,
01:44Therefore, it is clear that there is a lack of coordination between dealing and between most shares
01:52I mean, we saw that even Sami retreated in the same way that rose by more than
01:56seventy percent, and within days of trading today, it returned again, which was significantly reduced and affected.
02:03Okay, let's review the chart on the indicators of the Egyptian stock exchange in comparison with the indicators of the region.
02:10We see the comparison, for example, with Abu Dhabi market, which does 67%
02:14We see the comparison with the Dubai market, which in particular in the month after the announcement of the new proposals rose significantly. We saw a spike
02:22forty percent over the Saudi market, which rose by about thirty eight percent.
02:27the positive index, the Egyptian X-Perti for the largest companies, a modest rise, but after that
02:33A major activity in setting up as my own for small and medium-sized companies
02:37returned to retreat from August until now. Very sharp declines, as you mentioned Mohammed, reached forty two percent. If we want to compare
02:46the Egyptian market with its counterpart in the Gulf markets, but give us a quick word
02:50I mean, the Egyptian market in the Dubai market will soon decide because there was a state of similarity in the market. Al-Nusour Dubai was during the period