...لوجود هذه القوات القتالية هو أصلا مخالف ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the presence of these combat forces is contrary to their presence to the agreement that took place in the time of Mr. Al-Abadi and before it
00:08Mr. Al-Maliki, of course, submitted a request to Mr. Al-Abadi
00:12He then came in accordance with a request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for air support. Of course, they are not only the coalition,
00:19Why did the other countries withdraw and the American forces remained
00:23This staying in and insisting on staying indicates that there is a violation
00:27to the sanctity and sovereignty of Iraq. This is one aspect, but there is also a moral responsibility. It is a state that invaded Iraq
00:34This was also at the request of the then emerging Iraqi government when the army came today.
00:44I am today as an Iraqi and as an Iraqi state, I do not specify and I do not ask. Why does the United States want to impose its existence and survival?
00:53in 2000 and ISIS came out with an agreement and under the strikes of the resistance,
00:58But usually in 2014, of course, at the request of these years, nothing happened. There was no internal closure. It's not as tragic as
01:08Others are trying to describe him
01:10Iraq. Yes, there is a political difference, there is a dispute, there is a heated political process, but it does not reach the stage of internal fighting.
01:20Therefore, there is no need for the presence of American forces.
01:23Yes, we need to cooperate as a state that protects you, and I call on Matt here Dr. N. Two minutes, in fact
01:33We have to go
01:35for a short break after which we will continue with a discussion with
01:42Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:51Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:07A decade of preaching and preaching groups for Arab capitals
02:11The result was a relapse of the situation and conditions. The collapse of the economies in Morocco, the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood failed,
02:20Will the new Moroccan government succeed in Renaissance and Development and pump blood into the conditions of the economy, which was disrupted by political Islam
02:29For a decade
02:31In range? We know the details of His Excellency the Moroccan Minister of Justice and Secretary-General of the Asala and Al-Mu'asarah Party Abdel-IntIFADa. Welcome
02:40There is a storm that swept the Justice and Development Party, why did the people lose their confidence in these Islamic parties, which it is better that justice and development cannot be promoted intellectually and the renewal of the limit that came with these demands?
02:57There are many challenges. Algerian-Moroccan dispute