...الآن الآن هذه هي اللعبة المزدوجة التي يل...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Now now this is a double game played by both sides.
00:08Mr. Dr. Amer, we will move on to you, I mean, we are honored by you and understand
00:16How do the countries of the Middle East receive such statements from Mr. Putin, who spoke
00:22However, dialogue with these countries is a top priority for Russia.
00:27In any context, do we understand this matter and what it is targeting? This dialogue that he referred to?
00:36I mean, there is no doubt that it is an important strategic context based on more important timing. We are also talking about an American administration
00:44Her influence is diminishing in the Middle East, showing no desire to care as it once was
00:49In the details of the Middle East file faction, it takes its hands off many things.
00:54No, in most, I mean, since the Obama administration started, let's say, this started
00:59The desire also to abandon the Allies. In other words, the historic allies of the United States today feel that
01:08There is a mysterious case that this administration did not commit to them, but at a certain moment
01:12targeted some of its allies directly or indirectly. Therefore, the timing presented today by President Putin is very important
01:21because the climates that are forming in the Middle East are suspicious and suspicious towards the United States.
01:27Today, everyone is looking for alternatives to a strategic alliance. when we talk about
01:34Russia's presence on the ground in Syria today exceeds the idea of Syria. We are talking about the Mediterranean Sea
01:42We are talking about the most important point, which is Israel, and the ability today to coordinate security with Israel and ensure
01:50let's say not to engage in an open war, to ensure Israel's interests, and in return to maintain
01:57not to collapse in Syria. All this qualifies today, Rossi, to say
02:01I'm on the ground in the Middle East as the U.S. withdraws. I'm playing a technical role on the ground
02:08whether with the enemies and with all these parties, and I can be a cover and control
02:15These directions. I mean, Israel is carrying out attacks in Syria
02:19and implement what it wants. On the other hand, Syria, I mean, the regime in Syria
02:26the idea of restoring many lands. All this qualifies Russia today to play a bigger role.
02:32That's why I think it's an investment in the climates of mistrust we've been talking about
02:36the presence on the ground, and the search to be a prelude or what opens the door for regional settlements as they exist on the ground.
02:44So we are talking about Russia, which wants today to have such a vacuum, which Washington is forming and which wants to be solved in this region for goals as well
02:54it only goes beyond the economic goals and the security forces, but also to political goals.