...هو يعني خطوة إيجابية باعتقادي لجميع دول ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00It is a positive step in my opinion for all the countries of the region and the failure of the agreement on the other hand and a source of concern.
00:10But your question, of course, these things that the US administration is offering Iran are much less than what it expects
00:20the Iranian administration currently. must
00:23We must not forget that the US administration withdrew from the agreement,
00:30has re-imposed more sanctions than the past on the Iranian economy. On the other hand, Iran committed to all its commitments
00:39in the framework of the nuclear agreement. As a result, they are now the parties that expect from the opposite side great privileges
00:48the party that sustained economic damage. Nevertheless, it remained in the nuclear agreement. Some steps have been taken
00:55to retreat, I mean, a gradual retreat from its commitments in order to send messages to the other party. I also
01:05I can do serious acts, but
01:10respect regional peace and international peace, but Iran expects big privileges, and I think that it will get these privileges
01:20because it is in a position that can impose its conditions. On the other side
01:24Look at how the United States withdrew from Afghanistan, their conditions in Iraq in Syria, and we all know that
01:32In the end, we have to
01:34Focuses on their true identification in East Asia. the chinese file the united states needs to close the middle east file
01:44and nuclear negotiations. I think that currently the most important file in the Middle East.
01:48The closure of this file helps America to progress in other files such as the Yemeni war, such as the withdrawal from Iraq,
01:56I think that Tehran will use these circumstances in order to obtain
02:00More privileges.
02:01Oh, good. Dr. Ali, what is your opinion about what Mr. Sio Jawish presented, especially the point he is talking about, that Iran
02:10did not threaten or not destabilize the region with regard to its file
02:15and also what are the guarantees needed by the countries of the region to trust him
02:23Of course, the Gulf countries are not against the peaceful use of the nuclear program, and Iran has the right to have a peaceful use.
02:31but the Gulf countries due to the lack of transparency in the nuclear program
02:37Due to the increase in enrichment to the extent that Iran can obtain nuclear weapons, there are concerns among the Gulf countries in two aspects.
02:46First, if Iran gets this nuclear weapon, there will be an arms network
02:52the gulf countries against weapons of mass destruction also the policy adopted before .