...بحلول نهاية العام . كانت تونس تأمل تجاوز...

  • 3 years ago
00:00By the end of the year. Tunisia had hoped to overcome all this through talks with the International Monetary Fund
00:07To get whatever loans you want
00:10Loans will be conditional on economic measures that are not popularly accepted in Tunisia, the most prominent of which is the reduction of wages
00:18and restructuring the strategic public companies
00:21and financing this by relinquishing the small state shares in non-strategic companies
00:28The Tunisians are making their way through all these obstacles and complications
00:33They are the ones in whom it was said one day that they are a people who know its way, and they vowed not to deviate from it, no matter how many bumps.
00:43Now, a reminder of my question, huh
00:48What is the role of the political parties in the search for a road map to resolve the Tunisian political crisis? Is the dialogue enough
00:57between the labor union and the presidency
00:59to overcome the worst economic crisis in the history of the country?
01:05On this subject, we have with us from Tunisia via satellite, Mrs. Asia to Trous, editor-in-chief of
01:13In a editorial in the Tunisian newspaper Al-Sabah
01:16Welcome Mrs. Asia, and we will also have with us shortly Dr. Al-Tajwa. Professor of Economics at the University of
01:25Tunisia. Al Manar
01:27I welcome our guests. I will start with you, Mrs. Asia, while Dr. Joy prepares to ask four months once
01:36between politics and economy.
01:39Has a lot changed in Tunisia today? The numbers don't say much, and they don't really bode well
01:49Good evening, greetings to you and to all viewers of the East Channel wherever they are
01:55Certainly, it is a good question. After four months of the decisions of July 25, we must
02:00on ourselves, where is Tunisia heading at this stage
02:04especially after the presidential decree 117 which gathered almost all the powers in the hands of the president of the republic.
02:11First, we must explain to the honorable viewers two things
02:16the first, which is before July 25, which is the reasons that led to this option
02:21which is almost known, and it is the faltering political scene that entered the country to mazes
02:28it is difficult and very difficult in light of the conflicting political elite that turned this stricken council
02:34to an open arena for conflicts and violence, and even for the Tunisians. In all honesty, I say this with all
02:43Even if
02:46I do
02:48Indeed, but the bold decision of the President of the Republic in this direction to close this council and exempt this failed elite
02:57He hasn't had any changes.