...الأرض الخصبة في بريطانيا يلجأ اليها المه...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The fertile land in Britain is used by immigrants because they feel that it is in a much better situation than in France.
00:08When he arrives in Britain, he receives social guarantees
00:11he can get work, and the work he gets is on the black market, in the sense that he gets aid from the state
00:18He also receives money from his work and therefore doubles his income.
00:22And this immigration is coming, I mean, Britain does not know the real number because
00:29In the end, there are no cards known in Britain or identity cards, and this is one of the other problems.
00:36Therefore, Britain issued a package of legislation, and its aim was to stop this human flow to Britain
00:44and stood in a way in cooperation with France
00:47Because all this immigration comes from France. The problem is that the differences between Britain and France are very strong due to the exit of the British European Union
00:55and because of fishing. Therefore
00:58The French, and this is what the British say, do not cooperate with Britain and do not carry out the duties imposed on them. France responds and says
01:07No, we're not. We're the ones who
01:09We cooperate, but Britain does not cooperate and resort to provocations. Therefore, any crisis to solve any solution to this crisis
01:19the cooperation between two countries, the state from which it comes
01:23immigrants and the state that receives them. In the absence of this cooperation, no matter how much Britain issued legislation, which is many
01:31We can list some of them later in your program,
01:34But it will not be enough to stop this action. The only solution now is French cooperation
01:40and this is missing so far. All the proposed solutions now Dr. Ahmed seem to be solutions
01:46is somewhat superficial and does not take into consideration the comprehensive approaches. Here, I would like to ask Mr. Saeed about this issue because among the options put forward
01:55is a matter of studying a law that allows sending asylum seekers abroad
02:00until the study of their demands or the establishment of reception centers for refugees abroad.
02:04knowing that most of these refugees are of course. They come from North Africa, North African countries.
02:10What does this approach look like to you? And is she being treated
02:15the crisis from its roots or to address its real causes?
02:19I think that this method is not new because the approach you are talking about
02:28It started out as good or last. I mean, the beginning of the 21st century, 2000
02:35Since the last ninety two thousand, this approach, which was followed by the transfer of the rights of the refugees
02:45From the country. I mean the country of arrival
02:48to the country of traffic to the country of some countries to receive,
02:53This is a problem linked to two fundamental issues