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  • 3 years ago
00:00Compared to the ASAT systems, they're anti-satellite weapons. the developed countries for these weapons
00:08Working on it to provide a defense measure against space nuclear weapons
00:12and enable it to deter anti-ballistic missiles, in addition to strengthening its military capabilities in front of its opponents and rivals on the international stage.
00:21None of these countries have used their space weapons so far in wars.
00:25Its list includes China, which tested an anti-satellite weapon in 2007, in addition to the United States, which experienced
00:34In 2008,
00:36And then India officially joined them in two thousand nineteen.
00:41After years of being accused of developing space weapons, Russia officially tested its anti-satellite system in 2011.
00:52The space weapons receive a wide international condemnation, which is combined with a legal framework signed by more than one hundred countries in 1967.
01:01in what was known as
01:03Treaty on Outer Space
01:12China has officially reduced its diplomatic ties with Lithuania, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Sunday
01:18in protest against Taiwan opening an embassy in its name in Philippos.
01:22It was Venus, and it was Lithuania's intention to allow TP to open an official office using the name Taiwan
01:30form an important diplomatic step
01:32China rejects any use of Taiwan names that confers international legitimacy on the island, which enjoys self-rule and is considered by Beijing as part of
01:42From her lands.
01:44in less than four months. China-Lithuania ties see more
01:49from the deterioration on the background of Beijing's adherence to the need to stop the diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Taiwan
01:57Lithuania was one of the countries that it occupied between it and
02:00the dispute, especially after it announced last July its approval to open a representation office for Tony in Taiwan by the end of the year.
02:08The step, which received a US welcome and anger from Beijing on August 10, China demanded Lithuania to withdraw its ambassador to Beijing
02:17she said that she would summon her ambassador in vilnius in light of the dispute over lithuania's agreement to open a representative office in taiwan
02:25To be an embassy to her
02:28Only two days ago, China took an official step by expelling the Lithuanian ambassador from the country. Benias' ambassador to China announced that the Chinese authorities
02:37asked her to leave the country due to the diplomatic conflict between the two countries
02:42About Taiwan. In September, the dispute developed to reach the warning of the Ministry of Defense in Lithuania against the use of Chinese-made phones.
02:51He explained that Shumi's phones contain surveillance programs
02:55Huawei's phones are vulnerable to cyber attack in one.