...سعيد لأننا شرحنا بالضبط ماذا تفعل تركيا ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00I am happy because we explained exactly what Turkey is doing and how and even Iran and Dams
00:07Iraq's share in Tigris and Euphrates is in dams and so on.
00:11What is it? How does this crisis interact in Iraq? If we talk about contamination, you wouldn't be in
00:18Water level down. This leads to an increase in the rate of pollution,
00:22Diseases other than thirst and drought. You have diseases, you have even animal wealth, fish wealth. We're talking about
00:31A crisis about a problem that ignites wars that ignite it
00:34it is back to dole. What about Iraq? Tell us how the drought crisis unfolds.
00:42Thank you very much, and I welcome my honorable guests.
00:47The fact is that the report is very impressive in which the crisis was presented.
00:53we will come to the issue of Iraq. In fact, the problem that I mentioned from the neighboring countries is reflected on Iraq in general. Today, the Ministry of Environment
01:05I started a three-year plan
01:09To get rid of. I mean, crossing the water shortage crisis and the issue of pollution for the Ministry of Water Resources and Agriculture
01:18reduce the agricultural plan to half
01:22I mean, now we plant about two and a half million donums. Before we planted five million
01:28A great influence on animal wealth, in fact, specifically buffalo
01:32prone to collapse, rising by thousands, and many damages such as the country,
01:38However, we hope that there are solutions
01:42in reconsidering the agricultural policy, the use of modern irrigation systems,
01:47Changing the pattern of opinion with regard to broadcasting that this also separates two billion stops of fish farming, with lakes,
01:55this will also make a difference this before we lived in a water hole and we used to go to the limits
02:01twenty billion cubic meters in the past year or two years, which is exposed to the drought of forty years. Therefore, we must
02:11reducing the use of water until half of twenty three
02:16It is possible to reduce to or one billion annually so that we can pass the drought crisis this year, especially that the crisis will be
02:25It's harder if it continues
02:27the types like so far say that the possibility of this thing will be weak rain,
02:34so the crisis will be clearer or bigger or stronger .
02:38Next summer, we rely on the procedures, and God willing, we will be able to cross the crisis. As for the water storage, I think it seemed
02:46it decreases significantly, but
02:49If we start with this clarity, I think we can cross next summer, God willing. yes i go to amman mr engineer bashar