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  • 3 years ago
00:00One from a president and six members, and four departments and offices of electoral commissions. The first electoral operations of the Commission were in 2012
00:08the implementation of the election of the Libyan National Congress,
00:11It also carried out the election of the constituent body to draft the draft constitution in 2014 and the election of the House of Representatives in 2014
00:21Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:28The defense ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries will meet in the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council in the Saudi capital Riyadh
00:36to discuss military topics on the agenda and common issues.
00:41In its last session, the Supreme Council of leaders of the Gulf countries issued several resolutions, including the amendment of article 6 of the joint defense agreement
00:51by changing the name of the forces
00:54the command of the joint peninsula shield forces to the unified military command of the countries
00:59Cooperation Council.
01:03Joining us from the Saudi capital Riyadh, Al-Sharq correspondent Badr Al-Azmi Badr. Hello and welcome from the headquarters of
01:09Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council
01:13what is on the agenda of this meeting? What's expected to come out of it?
01:23Hani, in the beginning, I mean, the military coordination is the most important file on the agenda of this meeting. today
01:31also discuss the common issues that
01:34the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, especially in the field of military defenses. This meeting is an annual periodic meeting,
01:43perhaps the most prominent of what will be in this event today,
01:47in addition to the coordination and also the search of files that disturb the region and the Gulf region
01:53for its utmost importance in the Middle East.
01:58There'll be an opening for headquarters
02:00a unified command, as I mentioned from the amendment of article number six in the agreement on the establishment of the Military Cooperation Council
02:10there will be changed from the peninsula's shield to
02:13Joint Unified Command of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States.
02:18So, the Peninsula Shield Command that was established
02:23In the eighties of the last century, they are now being developed in stages
02:29several, to protect the airspace of the region in the first place, as well as
02:35the sources of the resources of this region, the Arab Gulf region in particular, and also the protection of maritime navigation.
02:42But let me say that this is the military alliance,
02:47is considered the second Arab after the Arab military alliance due to the importance of these countries that participate in and influence
02:57In the global economy