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  • 3 years ago
00:00were integrated from all the GCC countries, which took place in its headquarters in the city of Hafr Al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia. At that time, the strength of the force was 5,000 people
00:09most of them are from Saudi Arabia,
00:11until it exceeded forty thousand from all the countries of the Council, which enabled it to participate in its first mission
00:18After the invasion of the Iranian forces in the area of Al-Faw in Iraq
00:21in 1986 during the second Gulf War. • The Force contributed to enhanced coordination among Council States
00:29through defining its agreements a number of pillars of military cooperation
00:33Its foundations and priorities.
00:35Within the framework of strengthening the force, the Cooperation Council decided to link the armed forces between its countries with a secure communications network through a fiber-optic cable
00:44the work started in early two thousand one .
00:48The Peninsula Shield forces underwent several joint military exercises, the last of which was in its tenth version in 2019
00:55which was embraced by the eastern region in Saudi Arabia
00:58In 2021, the Supreme Council of leaders of the Gulf countries agreed to change its name to the unified military command of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
01:09The leaks of the counting center of the Iraqi elections commission inside the Green Zone revealed new changes on the results of the elections.
01:18These changes come in favor of blocs and parties in the coordination framework
01:23which led a movement to challenge the integrity of the elections. Two Iraqi officials revealed that the new change in the results of the ballot may reach
01:32To ten seats
01:34granted to a bloc on another account
01:55God, I'm sorry.
02:06jordan and israel signed a declaration of intentions to cooperate in the production of electricity from solar energy and water desalination . the agreement stipulates that jordan will work
02:15to generate electricity from solar energy for the benefit of Israel
02:18while Israel will work on the desalination of water for the benefit of Jordan, which is suffering from a shortage in water.
02:26The relationship between Jordan and Israel went through tensions during Netanyahu's period due to the water crisis, and then with a breakthrough and several cooperation agreements.
02:35So what are the most prominent stations
02:39Previous positions?
02:40Last March, a Jordanian source said that the Kingdom is negotiating with Israel to increase the quantities of water
02:48that Amman gets from Tel Aviv
02:51under the Wadi Araba agreement of 1994. Two days later, the Haaretz newspaper revealed