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  • 3 years ago
00:00Now perhaps about new alliances and formations in the near future to counter China's influence.
00:10And that
00:12I think that the points of power in Iraq lie in the agreements, of course, the bilateral agreements with the countries, compared with the League, or there are also these agreements
00:27with these countries, not only the defense or security-related. So we are
00:34we say to these countries, yes, we will conclude these agreements, and these agreements will be effective
00:39Because ultimately China, yes, made deals and made agreements, but it didn't respect them
00:47in the region and with these countries. And now this needs maybe
00:54support mechanism to hold china accountable for its commitments . We're talking about
01:00China's project in the South China Sea, in addition to the military harassment of all the islands
01:06There. This is not new. So China has also launched these fishing-related operations
01:14in an illegal way in these waters. Of course, we are talking about behaviors that contradict with the interests of
01:22Some ASEAN countries have the context for even fishing rights
01:27Indirectly, in order to put pressure on the hunters in order to gain advantages from them
01:38Thank you very much. My honorable guests, I thank my guest from Washington via Skype. I had with me Mr. David Bullock, national security advisor
01:47American. Thank you very much, and from Beijing. He was with me
01:51Dr. Einar, an astrologist, academician and expert in Chinese affairs, also shared the defeat. Thank you. I also had with me from New Delhi, Dr. The most prominent Zeta Pandey, which is that
02:01Professor of Public Policy in the Department of Political and Strategic Geography at an American University in New Delhi, thank you very much
02:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:14Before the end, I will remind you again of my question, the link for tonight, will Beijing succeed
02:22in obstructing Washington's political plans and the innocent in the Indian and Pacific oceans? We also wondered
02:29Is the success of the Chinese plan contingent on the economic and trade relations with ASEAN
02:35So, after the benefit of this discussion in this file for tonight, Diouf concluded the following
02:41between Washington and Beijing trying to attract the countries, the organization and the disobedience to its side, but
02:48the countries of the organization are trying to stay in the middle
02:52with determining its interests in order to determine the balance or achieve balance in the relations also in light of the conflict between the strongest