• 4 years ago
Congress leader Manish Tewari in his book has criticized the Manmohan Singh government for not taking any action after the Mumbai attack. In his book, Manish Tewari wrote that India should have taken strict action against Pakistan after the Mumbai attack. He also wrote that not taking action is a sign of weakness.

Congress नेता Manish Tewari ने अपनी किताब में Mumbai attack के बाद कोई कार्रवाई नहीं किए जाने पर Manmohan Singh सरकार की आलोचना की है. अपनी किताब में Manish Tewari ने लिखा कि Mumbai attack के बाद भारत को Pakistan के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई करनी चाहिए थी. उन्होंने ये भी लिखा कि कार्रवाई न करना कमजोरी की निशानी है.

#manishtiwari #26/11 #mumbaiterrorattack


