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  • 3 years ago
00:00a decline or pardon that does not achieve profits or is still in the stage of losses.
00:06But there are also a lot of expectations with regard to the American Federal
00:12The interest rate was raised at a faster pace during the big year. Of course we did
00:17Influence technology companies. The impact is also expected to continue the rise in the revenues of the US bonds.
00:24On the other hand, the strength of the US dollar also means the rise in interest rates and the rise in demand for the US dollar. We saw yesterday, for example, the sharp declines that
00:34as long as the US Federal will take
00:38what is necessary to reduce this state of inflation. Going gradually loses its luster, and consequently, the retreat on gold was more severe than
00:48It was on him in the days
00:53Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:43or welcome his guest Han Tan, the head of the market analysts in the sunset holidays. Hello and welcome Mr. Hani.
01:50If the bond returns are inversely linked to the shares of the technology sector, do you think that the continued rise in revenues at the present time threatens the upward trend
02:00For people you or less call in a deep correction phase.
02:10Yes, and I think, I referred to it once before in your program, and I pointed out that what we witnessed and
02:18Tech stocks, all of it
02:21that these shares are sensitive to
02:25the intervention, and the federal government considered the intervention and how it is necessary to deal with this issue. We have seen this,
02:33these radical changes in prices . So now, of course, in our solution to
02:43Futures now
02:46a number of shares. We see the return of more Libyan poetic declines.
02:52This crisis is a sensitive technology compared, for example, to
02:57Term contracts are shares.