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  • 3 years ago
00:00we are committed to disagree and agree. We do not agree. We are heading towards implementation and we do not have any ground
00:09To move our differences into the public domain
00:11or other, our differences to confrontations and wasting time, political time and government time, to do so, we will reach solutions,
00:21And I think that
00:22This time I spent with the Bush momentum, even if it was small, the man is the face of the dialogue, and we were able to create a kind of new relationship
00:31which will be qualified here to be a strong and harmonious government
00:35And a dynamic government to do something about the problems that we face in the future
00:42with the minister . Frankly, you are a Minister of Justice. In your answer, the Foreign Minister
00:47The diplomatic front is beautiful, but I want to ask you about the issue of the numerical approach. We all know that
00:55democracy is a process based on the recent vote, but the numerical approach and the formation of alliances is one of
01:00Parts of it. There are those who are talking about this numerical approach, this striking force through the alliance of these three first parties
01:08that it produced a fragile and simple opposition. I spoke a little while ago and said that the Moroccan citizen
01:13difficult, accountable, achieves, does not accept false promises, but as he says, you did not leave any room
01:21For any other party, breathe and that they have no voice
01:24After this force that is striking the number and the numerical comparison that you said about, what do you think about these provisions? Wrong. First of all, we're Democrats
01:32Our concern is to protect democracy
01:34Bigger than we're interested in getting the locations. First, the parties present in the opposition are a national historical party that has a status and its children
01:42its strength and its historical and struggle balance
01:45When we speak socialist union,
01:48the National Party, which pushed on the principles of human rights and defends democracy, and the Socialist Progress Party, which was outside of communism, and now a Socialist Party
01:56and the promotion of democracy and human dignity and has positions,
02:00Then, the Popular Movement Party, which pushed the national and Tamazight language, confirms that these parties, with their historical balance
02:07and my social and national role will play a strong opposition role
02:11And we're aware, so we're aware of that, so we want to give them a chapter, which says, “Democracy, we weren't strong.
02:19We cannot reach the Moroccan people in their speech, except through the opposition doing its part for the people, opening the door for discussion
02:26Therefore, even if it was a little bit to be a presence, I assure you, in the elections in the legislative mandate in 2006, we
02:35there is a number there. The Authenticity Party is besieged and does not exceed seven to forty three
02:39a member of the parliament, and we were doing it in a good and strong opposition, and we headed with the majority, which at that time was the Justice and Development Party with more than
02:48From a hundred deputies, we were able to create problems for them despite our number
02:53our limited number. When we see a movement towards the opposition, we see it.