'Real-life Charlie Brown slips on pumpkin guts *Try Not to Laugh* '

  • 3 years ago
'It takes guts to stand up for yourself. But what many people don't realize is that it also takes guts to fall over, as shown in this video.

Funny footage surfacing from Louisville, KY shows the real-life Charlie Brown slipping on pumpkin guts.

The botch in question occurred outside the subjects' house.

"Apparently, pumpkin guts are slippery," the filmer, Stephanie Heeb commented. "My son took a tumble when he tried to kick a smashed pumpkin."

This comedic clip was recorded on November 17, 2021.

Name: Stephanie Heeb
Location: Louisville, KY'
WooGlobe Ref : WGA402168
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com
