...إجمالي تدفقات الاستثمار الاماراتي الى تر...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Total UAE investment flows to Turkey exceeded four billion dollars at the end of last year. As for the balance of Turkish investments in the UAE in the same year
00:09and exceeded more than three hundred fifty three
00:13A billion dollars.
00:16The Iraqi government is moving towards diversifying the sources of income to reject the Iraqi economy, as its Ministry of Culture, represented by the Iraqi Antiquities Authority, worked to obtain
00:27on international support to start the reconstruction of the endangered archeological areas
00:32By marriage.
00:35the energy is broken
00:37the dome, which is located south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The Ministry of Culture got after a year of negotiations with the international coalition
00:45to protect the heritage in the conflict areas
00:47on a financial grant estimated at seven hundred thousand dollars to restore the floor after parts of it collapsed
00:57due to negligence and wrong maintenance methods.
01:00There is no Iraqi funds in this project. This organization's main task is to preserve such effects
01:08in this region and its funding, as I explained a little while ago, comes from many countries
01:14Including France, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
01:18Two years will be required for the maintenance and renovation work set by the Ministry of Culture, as it approved plans to establish a museum adjacent to the road
01:28to reactivate the cultural and archaeological facilities that were absent
01:33It's been a long time. The first stage is the preliminary study,
01:37The energy and ground structure, it comes and the soil,
01:41Now, he resigned after the second stage was set to secure, I mean, we hope that the inheritance will also support this project, that it will start now. We want to complete the floor.
01:51interested in archeological and heritage affairs, they see that
01:55Iraqi government steps towards rebuilding historic sites
02:00it will be useful for the revival of the economy and tourism in the country.
02:05With this step, we can say that there are new horizons that have started to be opened by the Iraqi government to attract tourists
02:12according to official statistics. Iraq has a large number of historical and archaeological sites, but most of them are neglected
02:21and not caring
02:23Which led to his exhaustion. Fakwa Kasri or Iwan Kasri, as historically known, is the last remaining part of Kasri Al-Shtawi Palace
02:31Who belongs to the Sassanid Empire and who values his mother for more than a thousand
02:36Five hundred years have seen the changes in the country and its restoration. Today, it will remain to witness new stages in the history of Iraq, which is restless
02:47in Baghdad that Salah Zaher Al-Sharq
02:51This was all what we have in our bulletin, and before I conclude with you, I remind you of its main headlines
02:58Iran's movements.