...في داخل جسم الانسان لأنه عندما يدخل الفي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In the human body, because when the virus enters our body, the first thing it does is it enters the cells and it humbles itself. And he copies himself
00:09And so during the process of this pattern, the inside of the body cells
00:12We have a mistake, and these mutations that occur naturally sometimes, but the problem here
00:19it happened to activate the transgenic Delta, which is already a dangerous shifter for it. I mean, this light got on a shifter, this shifter on a shifter, and we are talking about a delta
00:30Certainly. Therefore, there are additional problems related to the composition of this virus, which will make it more dangerous
00:40But to be precise, there's not enough data yet
00:44So any new meta is classified as a subject under study
00:51And when we're sure of the data, it's classified as a disturbing or metamorphic volunteer, which is how many of these data should be, or at what point in time, this data should be collected before
01:04The classification of this shapeshifter, if he is a shapeshifter, raises concern, or is he a regular shifter, like the previous one we heard about?
01:14I think that in a few weeks, in the next three or four weeks, as soon as accurate information is gathered and some additional lab experiments are conducted
01:24We'll be able to determine
01:26What is the epidemiological behavior of this new mutation in the sense of its ability to spread and the effectiveness of light vaccines,
01:33but even the information so far and its ability to spread to several countries
01:38We are talking about Gong about Israel, about Belgium, where reports were submitted, and even in
01:45The situation was coming as a passenger coming from Egypt, and therefore
01:48There might be. Is the injured person in Belgium coming from Egypt? I mean, the virus could have reached an Arab country
01:59And this is this
02:00Shadi, some countries do not carry out analyses, enough academic sequence, some African countries and others, even some Arab countries have average income,
02:08Therefore, we do not know exactly the extent of this shift until this moment.
02:13OK, one last question, Doctor, there were talks, I mean, about the press talks and the press analyses that we read a little while ago
02:22Maybe the doctors
02:23The specialists in or specialists in epidemiology say that
02:29It's possible that this virus is not or is not responding positively to
02:34Vaccines. To what extent is it possible, I mean, scientifically, for this transgenic to interact with the vaccines currently available?
02:42And how far can it be developed
02:44the existing vaccines to include this shift in the near days or months?
02:51I mean, the vaccines available in our hands now all target the effective part of the virus, which is the distorted protein. The problem is you do