...لها تقدير موقف وبكل تأكيد لا يمكن أن ننس...

  • 3 years ago
00:00it has an appreciation of the position and certainly we cannot forget the geopolitical interests and economic interests . There is a group of papers that are owned today by France
00:09and does not want to sell it, especially as it is suffering from a crisis. We have a crisis
00:13as a whole, the countries, after a pandemic, they remember that there are a series of hot files opened by France
00:19in a group of areas in the world. Here I am talking about Libya, the Eastern Mediterranean, there is a desire in France
00:25to return strongly as a strong state within the European Union. All these points together must look at the issue at a time. I can't break up in
00:34the issue of navigation or immigration is open. The entry of this region to the world, all this energy
00:42We're going to separate all these pending files in the middle of this discussion.
00:46So, this French position is a double message addressed to the European side on the one hand
00:53and the British side on the other hand, and on Britain, I would like to ask my guest Mr. Samuel. London also called on Paris to reverse its decision to cancel the participation
01:03to the British Home Secretary in this meeting on Sunday. Why?
01:08What does Britain want to achieve or perhaps rely on from this European meeting
01:17Britain would like to engage in any development of tensions with France. Of course, with all the crises that we have seen recently, the hunting or bag crisis, and now the immigration crisis. So all these crises might get out of control. If
01:35The United Kingdom now wants to get closer to France, and Johnson of course said that France does not
01:43Enough to manage the crisis. Immigration is in the areas between France
01:52Britain, and this network is also Scottish. Forty seven thousand people stop before
02:00Britain, but perhaps the need for cooperation between France
02:04And the United Kingdom. So maybe we start the road by reducing tensions, and besides, Boris Johnson is now
02:11is experiencing political pressure because the Labor Party is now criticizing it even in spite of all the political issues
02:19because there are these national efforts to perhaps
02:24focus on immigration by the Labor Party, and there is this tremendous pressure on Boris Johnson now
02:32Well, here I would like to ask my guest from Amman, Dr. Hassan Al-Momani.
02:36What is the truth of this French-British dispute? I mean, we were talking about a snowball for
02:42all the ongoing and escalating differences between France and Britain
02:49Good evening to you and to your honorable guests and viewers
02:55is really part of these issues. It's new old, I mean.