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  • 3 years ago
00:00to a superpower, a military superpower,
00:03A sovereign state and a billionaire coming from that country. It's natural to ask about these links.
00:11Of course he will
00:17The case has given rise to even greater controversy. In Iceland, where he was most jaar,
00:22The Chinese billionaire tried to obtain three hundred square kilometers in the north of the island, and planned to build a tourist resort with the support of Irish businessmen. these
00:34Some very strange news has spread, and strange comments have emerged as well.
00:41One of them was about wanting to bring in a lot of Chinese, about 3,000 Chinese
00:47Let them live. Vedrine turns around. Even the Canadian media said it would form here a military base for China, and it's all nonsense.
00:57I mean, it's just a media wave. says
01:01The Chinese are coming. The Chinese are coming to scare the hell out of people
01:07the interior minister was finally ordered to intervene to stop the project in violation of the president of the republic .
01:16We have to remember that people
01:18They were begging for someone to come and invest in the area. This explains the keenness of the municipalities in the north to obtain it,
01:28But I wanted to be realistic.
01:31there are things happening from the international and geopolitical point of view . The world keeps moving.
01:39And of course we have to analyze these things
01:42And try to understand it. When things like this happen
01:50However, China is re-emerging in the Arctic, and specifically in this small country with an estimated population of three hundred thousand people.
02:00Beijing has made a smart move.
02:03It took advantage of the crisis that hit Iceland a few years ago and thus ensured that its President would be a true ally.
02:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:14Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:15Until we figure this out. We have to remember the mortgage crisis that shook the planet in 2008. Iceland is completely exhausted
02:25and everyone abandoned it.
02:27President Johnson found himself on the front line trying to save his country.
02:35in the face of that position and direct hostility from Europe and complete indifference from the United States
02:45I wrote a letter to the President of China, and it developed into a stunning political understanding
02:55Thank you
02:56I also invited the Convention to exchange a currency.