...وتتألف من مدينة واحياء قديمة بنية فوق ثل...

  • 3 years ago
00:00It consists of an ancient city and neighborhoods built over three green hills. And one of those hills is crowned with red bombardment
00:07Hassan Swed is behind the victory of the Arabs today
00:10Who ruled the city as of the 13th century.
00:16Federico used to say
00:20A vision of the world, belonging to Granada, awakens a mortal in me
00:27That's Tamazight, Jewish and Gypsy. defendants
00:33Here's a doubt that that compassion for the oppressed
00:38The poorest have distinguished their work. Granada was a station for Catholics and Muslims
00:46It finally moved to the hands of Catholics in 1492.
00:52But the city later witnessed centuries of fratricidal conflict
01:02Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:04Federico has always said that Granada's bourgeoisie is the worst bourgeoisie in Spain, and he was killed by that same Spanish bourgeoisie. The army and the powerful Catholic Church were behind those first Gramshi or minority rule in Granada It's just
01:20Later requested on the popular leftist front, which is still in the process of being formed. Long before Francisco Franco came to power, the poet fell victim to hatred among various camps in the 1930's It wasn't the people who caused Lorca his life,
01:37It's the prevailing ideas
01:42which criticized the bourgeoisie class that it must be defended.
01:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:52The poet was born in the year 1898, a few kilometers away from the city
02:01In a family of family landowners. Thanks to his well-oiled environment, Federico García Lorca
02:08To nurture his extraordinary talent in the storm on the canno
02:21Today, it became the family home that he kept building and remained open to visitors
02:30A haven for quiet in the beating heart of the city.
02:36At that time, this was a rural place, where corn, wheat, and fruit-bearing trees were cultivated This corridor was broken by all kinds of local plants and flowers
02:50Which in this place has found peace and quiet