...جنوب افريقيا وقالت إنها تجري مزيدا من ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00South Africa said that it is conducting further tests to see if they are infected with a strain or a micron. and the latest European countries
00:09It was Italy
00:10which announced the discovery of the first case of the new Corona mutant on its territory. In the Asian continent, two cases were confirmed in Hong Kong
00:19for the injured who arrived to the city
00:21from South Africa, and the infection was the new shift, while the Israeli Health Ministry announced
00:28that the injury was identified by an Israeli usually from Malawi,
00:32While the ministry said that it is monitoring two other people suspected of being injured
00:40scientists have not yet reached clear information about the new strain. There is no confirmed information after it was more dangerous than Delta
00:50if it is capable of circumventing the vaccines. So what is the most prominent of what he said
00:55Scientists on the matter?
01:03Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:16I am
01:17I am
01:23Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:28I mean
01:30I am
01:37Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:42Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:00Will the new transgenic or micron trigger a re-entry into action? The American Forbes magazine wondered what the new authority can bring about from the repercussions
02:13In business.
02:17Forbes wondered if the new mutant threat would push companies to allow their employees to operate remotely again.
02:25The magazine said that the World Health Organization warned that the change that has started to spread in South Africa and other countries could be dangerous.
02:34The Director of the South African Epidemiology and Innovation Center was quoted as saying that his planet was unusual in mutations and that it was completely different from other variables.
02:46Reports indicated that the new variable contains more mutations in the thorny protein and is characterized by
02:54Fifty mutations, while the Delta dynasty contains only a fig mutation in a binding field