...ألفين وخمسة عشر لجان التلفون من ارض دبي ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00two thousand fifteen telephone committees from the land of Dubai. Yeah, while Crete works, he followed something called
00:08Berlin, Beirut
00:11The office of the way was also very dear, very big in many, or it has a soul. Dynamics is a gain. It is not a bad thing, but the Lebanese spirit emerged with its heart exposed when the foreigners started to cry
00:25And those who live in Dubai told me to stay or that there is one who says I will leave my sorrows, not only will they work or
00:32When responsible, he felt that its start had begun after it had been designed
00:40Harvey Nichols' window display in London
00:44Then stand on a firm ground
00:47I turned the ordinary into a singularity last year, but uncle kept the gum people have the museum's oxidation of the unity of this country. Of course, every year, there is not a good line between the two political conflicts
01:12Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:33I am
01:40Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:49In a fast-moving world governed by overlapping and complex data, if it stops, it will pass as they tried.
02:02Political arguments and arguments whose real motives may be economic interests
02:09Its methods, shapes, and means change
02:13Over time.
02:16We'll link the events, understand their motives, and try to translate them into investment opportunities there
02:24You're not missing anything at all
02:26With me. I'm not booked in east with
02:32East-west from Sunday to Thursday, 3rd Saudi time on the east