...صعودا اقتصاديا ، والله أقول الطموح شرعي ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00economically, and I say that ambition is legitimate.
00:06The policy of tides in trade unions
00:10it's well-known and the legitimacy of the unions is basically there to have
00:21And unions defend the rights of employees
00:27but it is living with the current and economic conditions, and the President of the Republic has threatened to consider all
00:38for unions, whether they are education unions or unions, using health
00:47As well as all the other unions,
00:50This job has to be participatory first
00:55And not in a threatening way.
01:01and not to touch
01:03the stability of the security situation
01:05and all channels
01:11with the Algerian state and the government is open. We did not notice today that the first minister
01:18Mr. Ayman Abdel Rahman is a finance minister,
01:22So until we know
01:24that the current government
01:26its first directions
01:29is to find sources to finance the government's projects and the president's projects
01:35and not to pump money from the state treasury.
01:40The President of the Republic said that we will not go to foreign borrowing because in Algeria this is an issue of national sovereignty.
01:49What is the relationship between external borrowing and Algerian sovereignty? I mean, if you take the country
01:53an external loan or was borrowed from a country, what is its relation to sovereignty?
01:58The Algerian state is a pivotal country,
02:01and a well-known diplomat
02:05in solving the existing crises
02:08in the region or even beyond that,
02:11History says so.
02:14Therefore, in order to not be there
02:18Political compromises. Are there any economic accounts in the case of the cases of, excuse me, the company and the neighborhood
02:29And you're in the neighborhood?
02:33I think you understand what I'm saying.
02:37It's true, I can't. East, we want to explain more, but after the break
02:41Mr. Radwan Khalaf, allow me a short break. We will return with you for a short break, dear viewers, and we will return with you in orbit. Wait for us
02:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:54I am