...هذا كله على جانب ايران ، لكن الولايات ال...

  • 3 years ago
00:00All this is on the side of Iran, but the United States
00:03What's the sound? What appears to the delegation perhaps? or who represents the United States and then its voice in these negotiations?
00:13I mean the United States. Hani will not attend these meetings, but the American officials here in Vienna are watching
00:22What's going to happen in this meeting is two hours from now
00:26Very closely. From the American point of view, it is in an attempt
00:30to save the nuclear agreement, i.e. to obtain any deal in this nuclear agreement to prevent
00:36any crisis that might happen through this armament to Iran with regard to the nuclear program also to save it
00:44the absence of a crisis in the east region
00:47due to this Iranian violation of its non-compliance in its nuclear program. But there's also a point of view
00:55accompanying the American point of view, which is a point of view
00:59British here also want to get any specific agreement that can limit
01:07As they described the danger
01:09Iranian. But on the other hand, there may not be a deal, Hani, in this seventh round or any breakthrough
01:18Given progress
01:20the decline of confidence between the parties to this agreement. Thank you Badr Badr Al-Azm, Al-Sharq correspondent to Vienna
01:37The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged member states to report the first cases and outbreaks of mutant and microorganisms.
01:44The organization pointed out the possibility of an increase in the cases of Corona
01:49Depending on the characteristics of a day of micron or what would have dire consequences. World Health Organization (WHO) called upon States to use the
01:58Based on risk assessment
02:00It also urged the speedy vaccination of priority groups.
02:10The number of cases of the new mutation of the Corona virus, known as. a micron to more than fifty cases globally
02:17amid a state of unrest and fears of its spread.
02:20Health authorities in Canada detected the first infection of the new volunteers, while Switzerland joined the European countries that recorded the injuries
02:28All of which were linked to travel to South Africa.
02:32At the same time, Britain called for an urgent meeting of health ministers in the Group of Seven to discuss how to deal with the new shifter.
02:43Scientists have discovered the new mutation from the Corona virus or micron in the Republic of South Africa.
02:49the country, which is witnessing a new increase in the number of casualties.
02:53The recording of the first injury in Europe was the share of Belgium, where the authorities in the country announced that