...بنظري ليست مشكلة بروتوكول لأن البروتوكول...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In my opinion, it is not a problem of protocol because the protocol implements what is required of him to prepare the visit, but the problems in these visits to those close to Sarkozy
00:12These problems were in the content. What's the point
00:16from these visits to meet Gaddafi in Libya?
00:20But what is your assessment, Mr. Nicolas, of the objectives of the visit of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy
00:27whether the first or the second to Libya, and also
00:30your explanation for the improvement of the Libyan-French relations at that stage, despite the accusation of being involved in the downing of the French plane in Niger at that time. You see
00:39How does that justify it? In your estimation
00:42Is there a reason?
00:46Actually, there were two strikes
00:55in 2008 with these terrorist efforts that we saw in
01:02United Kingdom. Then, with what you mentioned from this scene, the French plane was shot down over Niger, and it was confirmed
01:12and the presence of a bomb on this plane was proven, and that the Gaddafi regime
01:19He also accepted compensation for the families affected by one million dollars, and this is an admission of guilt.
01:27So now Gaddafi paid the compensations and admitted that he was guilty and was at the head of the state. If
01:37We may have found a new wave in the international community, because before this incident, he was subject to sanctions
01:46Maybe the goal was to get him out of this punishment system.
01:50Sarkozy also invited Gaddafi to France to visit France.
01:56So maybe the idea was economic with these projects that might have been
02:01supply and export to Libya and integration
02:06this leader in the international community in order to reduce the terrorist ambition. But there was another target
02:13Maybe he was at the base confused. You talked about Mr. Guillaume and they disappeared
02:19these two men close to Sarkozy, but the goal is according to the French judiciary
02:26in these charges against them, represented in asking for financial assistance from Gaddafi with large sums of fifty million euros
02:35So 60 million dollars
02:38for the presidential campaign at that time,
02:41Mr. Sarkozy was an interior minister when he visited Libya, and in 2007 he was going to submit his candidacy
02:48for the French presidency needed money, and in France, the value of twenty million euros should not be exceeded
02:56For the campaign. he asked gaddafi for fifty million euros