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  • 3 years ago
00:00Instead of putting money into fixed returns, that's the reality, and I think everybody's saying the same thing
00:08Because we have to advise our clients to consolidate their gains. in your opinion
00:15what destroys this corruption and markets will start a sharp decline.
00:22I give you an example of whether the prices of used cars, which used to rise by a certain percentage annually,
00:32between the years nineteen fifty three and twenty the used cars were annually
00:40does not rise to 0.11%, and now the rise is twenty six percent, and this does not make sense. The reason for this is that there are no cars and there are no cars because there are no chips and there are no chips because there are factories
00:57It was closed during the pandemic, but these things will be fixed. If
01:03When clients ask me, is the inflation problem temporary or permanent? I tell them, I mean, I clarified the picture. I'm afraid I'll have to settle for this much. Alberto Bernard, chief strategist at XP Investments. Thank you very much for your participation and for your analysis of your point of view.
01:22We return our viewers to talk about important files during these days. Today the seventh round begins
01:28from the Vienna talks on reviving the Iranian nuclear agreement. The tour comes months after the suspension of the talks
01:35due to the differences between Iran and the United States and the change that affected the Iranian negotiating delegation after the election of Ibrahim as president of the country.
01:46For his part, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Said Al-Khatib said that his country
01:51do not want to reach the nuclear negotiations or the nuclear negotiations to reach a dead end.
01:57and renewed his country's demands for the necessity
02:00lifting all american sanctions . The Iranian official also pointed out that the delegation of Tehran will not hold bilateral talks with the American side in a visit and that Tehran
02:10will reach acceptable results if the other parties participate with the same seriousness
02:16in the European negotiations.
02:21In 2018, the US Administration imposed economic sanctions on Iran. Since then, the country's economy has suffered huge losses at its peak. Of course, the Corona crisis, we will continue in this report.
02:33the beginning of the year two thousand twenty one. Former Iranian President Hassan Rohani admitted the size of the losses incurred by the country's economy
02:42as a result of the US sanctions.
02:44Rohani said that the total damages exceeded one hundred fifty billion dollars since two thousand eighteen. At the same stage, his first deputy revealed
02:54that the losses of oil revenues alone were brought closer
02:57A hundred billion dollars. Fuel sector affected