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  • 3 years ago
00:00the US envoy to Iran Robert Mali is closely watching these meetings to know the extent of
00:09Iran's commitment or seriousness to enter into negotiations
00:15Coming in the next few days.
00:18Yes, Badr, first of all, I want to apologize that I mentioned that you are with us from Riyadh, but of course you are with us from Vienna
00:25changed according to information
00:29which we mentioned today said that the Russian envoy and also the European envoy,
00:37Are there indicators, if and according to, of course, information
00:40if these negotiations will be long and will take several days.
00:50Yeah, sure. This is what Rasha mentioned a little while ago, the European Coordinator, Maura, that they
00:56They're gonna stay on this tour. A long-term ride isn't all the other rides
01:01which extended to six, due to the consensus that happened a little while ago. Perhaps he also added that there is a tangible sense of re-agreement
01:10nuclear agreement or reviving the nuclear agreement due to what is suffering
01:14the Iranian people from these sanctions or this Iranian intransigence in the non-compliance in its nuclear program. And also
01:24He says that this nuclear program must be brought to an end under surveillance
01:29both from the international community. We are talking about perhaps this may be the last chance to save something from this nuclear agreement, from which you withdrew
01:39the United States in 2018
01:42and put an end to the Iranian behavior in the region due to the demands of the allies of America's allies in the region to put an end to this
01:50the Iranian danger through questioning
01:52and through its activities in the region.
01:56Yes, from the East Badr Al-Azmi, you were with us from Vienna,
02:01Thank you so much for all this information
02:08Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:14the government
02:18Iraqi National Security Adviser Qassim Al-Aaraji revealed the results of the first report of the investigation into the assassination attempt on the next Prime Minister Mustafa
02:29With great regret.
02:33The explosives expert is doing his job right.
02:40where Sabah was hosted to
02:44And the question was asked
02:46By the committee personally to dust for prints
02:54Special investigation