...من الجماعات التي تتنافس من أجل درجات مخت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00from groups that are competing for different degrees of self-rule.
00:07With the approach of the Tigray Defense Forces and the Oromo Liberation Army from the capital Addis Ababa,
00:12the government of abyei can negotiate with these two forces and meet most of their demands to calm the current conflicts
00:19avoid the violent disintegration of the country. This is what came in an article for the Vorine Poulisi newspaper. But if the government can make a deal with one of these groups, it's possible
00:29that this will lead to intensifying the conflicts in the country and not reducing them.
00:32because the excluded group will simply double its combat efforts to extract concessions from the central government, according to the newspaper.
00:40Military and political leaders repeatedly are confident that they have pushed the Ethiopian army out of their territory permanently.
00:46Now they point out that the region will never disarm, whether the region chooses to remain in a form of political union with Ethiopia or not.
00:55in view of the intensity of the military campaign
00:58that they faced last year. France's resignation that it is difficult to imagine a permanent solution that does not take into account the legitimate demands and interests of the allied groups in Ethiopia
01:08Where solutions require the formation of a comprehensive transitional government
01:11Heads up. These groups, which will jointly manufacture and implement policies in an acceptable and implementable manner
01:18in order to overcome the roots of the conflicts in Ethiopia,
01:22Feinopolis points to the best way to mandate the transitional government, which is to hold referendums in different areas of the country in accordance with the Ethiopian Constitution.
01:30in addition to facilitating the rapid delivery of food aid and other basic services
01:35to the war-torn areas.
01:46The US State Department announced a meeting between a delegation from the United States and representatives from the Afghan Taliban movement in Qatar.
01:55the state department said that the american officials
01:58They expressed their deep concern
02:00against allegations of human rights violations and urged the Taliban to protect the rights of all Afghans.
02:08Between the human rights calls and the lifting of the sanctions, the demands of the American delegation on the one hand and the delegation representing the Taliban movement on the other hand fluctuated during or during
02:21Meeting in Qatar
02:24Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:27by god
02:37Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:52I am
02:56Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.