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  • 3 years ago
00:00Trade with it is a kind of control over economic instruments in a way, so that I can reach the stage of the full operation of the internal resources in the state.
00:09If I had a productive capacity, I'd shoot from the tread. The coin comes at its strongest
00:14the process of production and export abroad or the process of attracting tourism to the inside as it is in Turkey
00:19But only on the condition that I have very strong production rules where she can do it.
00:25If we come to look at the process of reducing the mechanism of the exchange rate or its intervention in the currency market
00:34by saying that I had negative indications and statements about it in reducing the interest rate and as a result of the reduction of the interest rate
00:40It's supposed to be the exchange rate, if it goes in the opposite direction, what was previously given to all those who were afraid of watching the control
00:48But if only the inflation in Turkey and the inflation yesterday reached twenty in the statement
00:53In order to be able to continue the process of exporting abroad and the process of importing less from abroad, this should have been a factor in the currency and its purchase
01:01He's Erdogan. he is not a political politician
01:05He is a sophisticated politician, and he used to issue a kind of prison intention for the names and negative indicators of the markets in his intervention in the exchange rate
01:14on the basis of a law of a kind of demonstrations, I mean, limited in
01:18The age is fifty five percent or forty five percent and seventy six percent of the beginning of the year so far. The last month of the currency cycle, it lost by twenty eight percent.
01:27But if China had a kind of stability in exports and stability in imports
01:32excuse me before entering the trade balance of the chest . Dr. Doctor, before entering into the issue of trade balance, is it possible for the international community to consider
01:42to what Erdogan did directly or indirectly
01:46the army or the devaluation of the currency as a kind of manipulation in the currency in order to support exports? And of course, would that be my opinion
02:01Is there a single country on the face of the earth that does not manipulate the exchange rate?
02:05america manipulates the exchange rate . the european union manipulates the exchange rate . china manipulates the exchange rate . Japan Tatar Exchange Rate
02:12It is a tool of the international economy. The exchange rate is yes, but the United States had warned China repeatedly and from the control of
02:21But the United States had repeatedly warned China and created
02:27China did not continue the United States of America, otherwise the United States of America should listen to the whole world
02:34When the United States weakens its dollar against other currencies in order to encourage
02:39on exporting American products to foreign markets and reducing the importation of foreign products to the American market. America is the biggest controller of the exchange rate on the face of the earth
02:49It controls the dollar's price in a way that achieves development goals or welfare goals
02:54for the American citizen is one of the tools of the economy. He can't blame anyone