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  • 3 years ago
00:00Peaceful. So that's an indication of what I said that there's a step forward and two steps back. I might also point out that perhaps
00:10The European vision has also prevailed today in the need
00:13that this round must end as soon as possible and there is no need for delay, while the Iranian point of view says that
00:22Don't get attached to a specific time,
00:24Therefore, it will not sacrifice its interests simply by standing on a certain time. Mu'taz
00:30Badr, well, I do not know, I mean, if this question is a little bit too simple,
00:39I mean, do we expect to achieve real progress in this round?
00:43Because the Iranians, I mean, reiterate time and again the issue of demanding the final dates
00:52and timetables for lifting the sanctions.
00:55I mean, will they succeed? I mean in that
01:01since Monday and Tuesday yesterday, I mean, there was almost a political commitment with regard to the US sanctions that
01:11outside the framework of the nuclear agreement will be lifted, but this
01:16is the presence of an Iranian commitment or compliance with regard to its nuclear programme. I mean
01:23Even if the talk here in Vienna is that there is a draft
01:26a certain agreement or understandings that reach seventy percent, but there are thirty percent and they carry the difficult questions
01:35Where are these centrifuges going? Where will the stockpile of uranium arrive
01:41to sixty percent? These questions are the hardest facing this round. Therefore
01:49The European delegation or the European side believes that
01:53wants more seriousness in this issue and does not want to waste time as is the American delegation which does not participate
02:00directly, but through these meetings held behind closed doors, and then
02:10We return to the zero point from the beginning since last April through six rounds.
02:15This is a rolling talk. There is a US possibility to lift the sanctions, but the Iranian commitment or compliance must be clarified
02:23Is to address nuclear issues. these nuclear issues which he described
02:28the reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency described it as a violation of the nuclear agreement. Therefore
02:36Conflicts and differences in situations
02:39This round is expected to continue even if it is interrupted by political consultations in the capitals of countries. Mu'taz, in any case, the team of the East Vienna
02:48This file will certainly be followed up. Thank you very much
02:52to our correspondent to the Austrian capital Badr Al-Azmi, thank you.
02:59Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.