...بالتوازي مع تأكيد الناتو أنه لا يخطط لنش...

  • 3 years ago
00:04in parallel with the NATO confirmation that it is not planning to deploy more nuclear weapons in Europe. White House says he won't hesitate
00:13in imposing new sanctions against Russia if any military operation was launched
00:18In Ukraine
00:21after three days of negotiations. The files of sanctions and nuclear obligations do not achieve any progress and Iran
00:29the production of enriched uranium starts with sophisticated equipment at the fordow facility , and europe
00:35warning of the failure of the talks
00:38on the impact of Washington's decision to use the strategic oil reserve,
00:43OPEC Plus continues its meetings to determine the oil production policy during the coming period.
00:51in conjunction with the rise in injuries in South Africa four times in two days. The World Health Organization says that the spread of the new Corona mutant or Mitt Romney
01:02In the eastern Mediterranean
01:03It's only a matter of time.
01:14I am
01:20I am.
01:25Welcome aboard.
01:26The beginning is from Ukraine, where the White House warned that it will not hesitate to impose new sanctions against Russia due to the military movements of Moscow near Ukraine.
01:37Spokeswoman Jane Sake stressed that the American administration is ready to use a number of economic tools
01:46in response to the Russian measures in coordination with its partners and its allies.
01:51Sake pointed out that the United States is in contact with both Russia and Ukraine regarding the situation on the border between the country
02:03For his part, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned Russia
02:08from the repercussions of launching any military operation against Ukraine, and called for the need to adopt the diplomatic track
02:15to resolve the conflict between the two countries.
02:18Two weeks
02:21A side. It is important that Russia realizes that any of its actions will have repercussions, and that the allies will make sure that Ukraine
02:30on the means necessary to defend itself,
02:33The Allies also look at what they need to do to make sure that they can defend. Finally, we still believe that there is a diplomatic track
02:42It can be done. We're not looking for conflict,
02:44This diplomatic track lies in an agreement signed in 2015, but it was not implemented due to Russia's abandonment of its commitments.
02:55Yes, he also said that despite his country's uncertainty about whether.