...عادة عدد من العراقيين الذين حاولوا الدخو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00usually a number of iraqis who tried to enter the european union .
00:07Now for more details, joining us from the Belarusian border, Al-Sharq correspondent Badr Al-Tigani. Welcome Badr with us in this bulletin for today. God bless you. badr
00:18From where you are now, I mean, the picture shows that you are on the Belarusian border
00:25It also seems that there are behind you the trucks, as we see, it seems that it is a cargo truck. Put us in the picture of the situation instead of you. Is there a crisis in the entry of trucks
00:33The reasons? Explain the whole picture to us. What's going on?
00:38I declare this town awat. We are now on the Lithuanian Belarusian border, as you can see, as the picture and the back show
00:47This line is for trucks
00:49We did a calculation on a scale of one kilometer. This line is about eleven kilometers
00:59Pretty much
01:00More than six hundred trucks. The reason is that a few days ago, the Lithuanian border guards
01:08At the crossing point
01:12I would not attack to write or in one of the trucks and kill this.
01:24Truck searches take more time than usual. By connecting us with
01:30The drivers. A number of these truck drivers have assured us
01:34That the duration of the truck search was before the immigration incident
01:41they ranged between today and thirty six hours.
01:45Now there are some drivers who have been waiting their turn to cross the border into Lithuania for a week.
01:54Another reason
01:55for these lines is that the authorities of the Polish authorities
02:00It closed another border crossing point between Belarus and Poland, the Borzi crossing point. Where's he stationed
02:09Temporary refugee shelter?
02:13Where have we had previous interventions? The importance of this line is in the truck line
02:19I mean she's dying. Goods are transported from Belarus, not just between Russia
02:23The importance of Belarus is that a crossing point from Russia and from the east to the European Union countries will soon be Christmas
02:35Of course, it will delay the arrival of the goods to its users. We followed in some Belarusian media sites,
02:44We noticed the beginning of a talk
02:46the economists have a danger threatening three deliveries via belarus to the european union .
02:55As for Russia,
02:57the volume of its trade exchange with