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  • 3 years ago
00:00countries to other countries. The standards are more lenient or do not exist with standards of origin. Therefore
00:07Maybe there were some environmental requirements for the initiative
00:12it seems to be politically in line with the political talk about climate changes, but
00:20I do not see in the initiative a major response to this challenge
00:25and perhaps the preoccupation with the commercial wars and national trends that
00:34He's been showing up lately
00:36is the most prominent file on the political agenda, despite the fact that the environmental file and the climate changes
00:46From my point of view, it is the file that
00:50he must be held responsible, but he needs a very clear definition of responsibilities, and perhaps
00:58If we want to get serious, it's not just about building support
01:03infrastructure, but to support the green projects, we need
01:09so many green projects in the world and not in the developed countries
01:14Just to face this very, very, very permanent danger facing the world,
01:21But the project is also a profit and competitive goal, and a geopolitical role is not a project
01:28Charity. Of course, this project, although we will take off in fact
01:34the expected gains in Europe and the benefits expected by the partners, but on the political and economic levels,
01:43But after this short break, our dear guests
01:46Our dear viewers, we will return shortly
01:55Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:57Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:03Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:05as for leaving
02:09From the past, independents
02:16Without money, you could drown us
02:20to the dimensions of
02:27Excuse me, perhaps three memories of the International Red Sea are the waves of change
02:35In fifteen years
02:37We've turned scorpions. We've got them loud and clear
02:40We've created unique real estate opportunities and established rules of trust, and today we're headed for the future
02:56the year because