...أم له علاقة بالظروف الجائحة وانتشار متحو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Or is it related to the bad conditions and the spread of a new shift? What are the bases and criteria?
00:08Basically. Of course, what is happening in the world brings us back to thinking about these governments and their response to the University of Corona,
00:20But we must not forget that most of the work of governments and international institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations,
00:31These institutions, of course, go back to the economic statistics.
00:35And these economic data, of course, which brings us back to different factors and different mandates as well
00:42This is one of the factors for fermentation and evaluation.
00:48For these reasons, of course, we are talking about this period with the tensions that these institutions take into account
00:55in its assessment, and this of course paves the way for political interpretation as well.
01:00So, until now, of course, we have seen these economic explanations now, with this economic environment and the changes
01:08the economy, which is affected by the political factors. Of course
01:12Ok, do you object in light of these political factors and estimates that seem a bit hazy for the Tunisian economy? I have two questions first.
01:22Is Tunisia really in dire need of this loan from the International Monetary Fund?
01:27to understand what are the other Tunisian and partial options? What if Tunisia was opposed or asked for some options that seem to contradict with the political program
01:37even with regard to the situation of the parliament, which is now frozen and may be on its way to a solution? What are the Tunisian options here?
01:50Yes, it is far from the health crisis that could happen in Tunisia after
01:58The new virus.
02:01Tunisia cannot prepare the state budget for next year
02:06without reaching an agreement with the International Monetary Fund. Self-resourcing isn't enough
02:11and paying the debts and paying the debt service, I mean, it is big and very big. Therefore
02:19Tunisia only has to reach an agreement with the Fund and convince the Fund to return
02:25to the negotiating table. There was a meeting on November 4th
02:32Between the government and the Central Bank and the IMF mission.
02:36But the talks were not about the substance of the reforms, but about the ground
02:42that can be provided by Tunisia to the International Monetary Fund
02:46to return to the negotiating table, especially that it requires expanding the participation with all parties, and perhaps
02:55they say between the lines that Tunisia must return