...الإتفاق النووي بعد عام ألفين وخمسة عشر ي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the nuclear agreement after 2015, I mean, after the nuclear agreement, the sanctions were supposed to be lifted
00:07and not imposing them on Iran. The nuclear sanctions and not imposing them on Iran
00:14with any other title, and this is stipulated in the nuclear agreement. But what happened was that Trump
00:21he imposed these sanctions with different headlines.
00:25Today, Iran demands the lifting of all these sanctions or the sanctions that are inconsistent with the nuclear agreement.
00:34Practically, for example, if they lift the nuclear sanctions on the Central Bank
00:40There are still sanctions with different headlines, such as the issue of Iranian missiles or others.
00:47Practically, the Central Bank of Iran will remain under the sanctions.
00:53This is what is being discussed, that Iran will discuss it in these negotiations. I confirm that the negotiations will continue today
01:03the parties present today in the talks in Vienna
01:07in addition to the United States. All of them reached a result. The only way
01:14to resolve this crisis through negotiations and reaching a diplomatic solution.
01:19I do not think that these negotiations will start from scratch. Of course there is
01:28Topics that have already been agreed upon.
01:31There are issues that have not been agreed upon before.
01:35Today, the Iranian team says that there are topics that have not been agreed upon in the past six rounds,
01:43Therefore, these issues must be discussed again. The issues that have been agreed upon, such as the sanctions that should be lifted from Iran,
01:53This is over.
01:54But as for the new circumstances, when
02:00Iran in the previous negotiations, the Iranian government was under great pressure,
02:09According to all economic analysts, the economic sanctions
02:15have a long life, and after that, if the government or any party
02:21and overcome the obstacle, the obstacle of economic sanctions
02:26After that, it can continue with the current situation. Today, I am not saying that the economic situation in Iran is good,
02:35It's too bad
02:37But Iran has overcome the obstacle of the US sanctions imposed by parties, and this is wrong and this
02:43Biggest mistake. This allows me to consider that these sanctions were imposed
02:49Yes, my happiest time is over, but thank you for all these lights, it is the imposition of all sanctions, and today the threat
02:57to restore the international sanctions.