...العساف أستاذ الإعلام السياسي بجامعة الام...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Al-Assaf, professor of political media at Imam Mohammed bin Saud University, thank you very much
00:10God, I'm sorry.
00:20He is.
00:21the board of directors of al bujja has decided to extend the closure period in eastern sudan for an additional 15 days .
00:28This came after talks with a delegation from the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, which demanded another deadline
00:35for a month to arrange the special situations in the region. the legal adviser to the Supreme Council for the leadership of the country
00:42that the sovereign council committee presented some acceptable proposals to resolve the crisis
00:47without revealing its details.
00:53The crisis of eastern Sudan was linked to several points, the most important of which is the course of the east that emanates from the Juba peace agreement.
01:01The leaders of Al-Bija in the east of the country continue the escalation to cancel that track,
01:06What are its other most prominent demands?
01:10I am?
01:12The crisis of the eastern region of Sudan continues in conjunction with the escalation measures waved by the Supreme Council of the regime Rat Al-Pacha,
01:19In light of the insistence of the leaders of the Council to cancel the course of the East that emanates from the Juba peace agreement,
01:25which determines the mechanism of power and wealth sharing between the components of the region.
01:30The components of the Supreme Council for the Environment reject the results of the course of the East, saying that they were excluded from the negotiating forum for the tribes of the beginning, Amer
01:39which is spread in the state of Kassala in eastern Sudan. Al-Bija's leaders called for canceling the track and establishing an all-inclusive conference
01:47discusses the issues of the eastern Sudan region to determine all the details related to
01:52by sharing power and wealth. In an attempt to appease the leaders of Al-Bija, the Sovereign Council announced the nomination of the President of the Supreme Council
02:00a list of the frameworks of Al-Bija Mohammed Al-Amin Turkel for membership in the new sovereign council, but this step did not deter the leaders of Al-Bija from escalation.
02:09and the region's components demand a bigger share
02:13of jobs in the local authority in the eastern Sudan states, in addition to the fact that the region received a larger share of its revenues from which Khartoum benefits,
02:23As far as they can see
02:29Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:36The Secretary-General of the Tunisian Labor Union asked to draw a road map for the next stage in the country, including the call for early elections.
02:45He explained that the measures taken by the President on the twenty fifth of last July
02:50was necessary, but it must be accompanied by a road map that shows the features of the next phase. He stressed that the people refuse to return to what might