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  • 3 years ago
00:00The events around us
00:14important talks today between egypt and britain on several fields what are the motives of the age ? to pay it accurately. Welcome our honorable guests with whom we discuss this file in
00:28the general framework of the world economy. It also has a relation
00:37And make the expectation of tomorrow's policy two things
00:46on a daily basis, at 18:00 Saudi time on the East
01:03Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:10Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:13Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:17They are also the researchers of their identity, Leitenberger and Bonnie. She died nineteen years and eighteen years. Here at my grandfather's glass house. Last year
01:27I was two students at the Robert Schumann Institute of St. Louis
01:31In the 11th grade. They had to choose between country music, dance history and youth research.
01:38In youth research, I was interested in exploring things and finding connections and doing something alone. But at the same time
01:47I was afraid of the idea of being forced to participate in the contest. But in the end
01:53I was very interested in youth research, and I thought I could do it.
01:59How Leon built their own project out of an idea
02:03To a job model in?
02:05I took that off the Internet.
02:11We read an article about very few places. For trachea nat aerobics. At the time, we were looking for an idea for a project related to youth research.
02:19And so we wondered why we could make better use of the available spaces.
02:25In our project we tried to include the tower as part of the power generation process.
02:30Two students must work. Now the first prototype is ready.
02:35The basic idea is to take advantage of the outer surface of the tower, and that's why we wanted to use the vertical axis rotor
02:43which benefit from the wind coming from the side
02:46A around the tower. We have the tower here, so to speak, and the wind that comes in here activates the motion of the cycles.
02:55We set up this experiment with the wind track
02:59Where there is